
Ngurrawaana means ‘a place of homecoming’.

It is the only permanent residential community with secure title for Yindjibarndi people in their ancestral lands. It was founded by respected elders Woodley King, Long Mack, Greg and Alma Tucker, and Len and Desley Norman. It was pioneered in 1982 as an occupation of tribal country and an alcohol rehabilitation camp.

Today, it is one of the proudest achievements of the Yindjibarndi peoples to date; a place with deep historical and cultural associations.

Following the Yindjibarndi people’s forced exodus from their country, the spring at Ngurawaana dried up completely, something which had not happened in the living memory of the local people. It was not until the Yindjibarndi Elder Woodley King returned to that place to develop a community via the homeland movement in the 1980s, and had occupied it for some three years, before the spring returned as it had been before – and it has not run dry since.

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