We maintain and promote Yindjibarndi culture, language, and health for the wellbeing of all Yindjibarndi people.

The wisdom and the duties of traditional life were given to us by our old people — the laws from mingkala and marrga given to our ancestors keeps us all strong and resilient now and into the future.

Preserving knowledge of culture, language, and country includes training Yindjibarndi people for the skills of 21st century life. Whether it is on country or in the office, on a field trip or on a computer, learning about and adding to the archive of Yindjibarndi knowledge that Juluwarlu maintains — contributes to the present and future well-being of individuals, families, youth and children — providing opportunities for employment both within our organization, or out in the wider community.

All recent Juluwarlu publications have been multi-lingual with text in both Yindjibarndi and English. We are now in the process of creating a new dictionary and grammar that will be the definitive resource for the Yindjibarndi language.

Drawing from hundreds of hours of recordings made by the previous generation of Yindjibarndi Elders now stored in the Juluwarlu Archive, and with new recordings by native Yindjibarndi speakers, this project will result in an interactive multi-media presentation delivered on the latest new technology platforms.

Combining a comprehensive database, with audio, vision and text, there will be examples of pronunciation, grammar, culture stories, knowledge of plants, animals and ngurra to strengthen everyone’s knowledge. When completed, we hope this will become an invaluable tool for the Roebourne School to aid the language teaching that already takes place there.

Our aim is to keep Yindjibarndi language alive so that our children and children’s grandchildren will be able to speak and read Yindjibarndi forever.

© 2025 Juluwarlu Group Aboriginal Corporation / Site by Superminimal