Documenting and preserving Yindjibarndi history & culture.

Greeting country
Biyumagayi Ngurra
Ngurra gangangarrinha yingu buluyugayi birbiwarni wankgayi thurdud mirda nyantharri biyiyarri… – Country, we come here today to visit you and talk straight… please don’t get angry and harm us…
Juluwarlu’s purpose is to collect, sustain and promote knowledge of Yindjibarndi culture – our ngurra, wanda, and animals, our language, genealogy, mythology, social history, and biography to sustain our Yindjibarndi identity, self esteem, respect and other values we consider vital to our lives, our well-being and our culture future. We do this for our children and our future generations so that they too, are inspired to contribute to our Australian national community.
Preserving Yindjibarndi culture
Juluwarlu is dedicated to the salvation of our language and culture adapted to our present-day society and continuing to tailor a cultural life.

Mapping country